- Creajeux Projects -

Hyper Beam Elsa's Paradox - 2018

This project was made during my 2nd programming Year at Creajeux using Unity and VR Headset (Oculus Rift). Always in collaboration with programmers and artists. Here i worked on VR optimization and controls, weapons and their modules and also physics of ennemies and player (when grabbing ennemy and cutting him with saber or taking out their members and use it as weapons).

Programming : Pierre Bernard-Darmann, Tanguy Couturier, Rémy Deltour, Alexis Gomes, Matthieu Gomiero, Maxence Parfait

Graphics : Axel Daviot, Antoine Longinotti, Tanguy Oliveras

Need VR HeadSet to be played (work on OculusRift not tested on other headset)

Shinkou Gaizen - 2017

Here is a project i made during my first Programming year at Creajeux in team with programmers and artists. I worked on loading all animation sprites by text files and behaviours of all ennemies which are fully editable by text files (movement and shoots). CSFML Library.

Programming : Franck Bonnafous, Arnaud Chauchet, Matthieu Gomiero, Camille Pagane

Graphics : Guillaume Marchand, Simon Mermet-mear, Loïc Pueyo